Drop-off and Pickup Policies

Keep your child by your side at all times when dropping off or picking up. Your child needs to walk inside the school and on all school grounds. Please, no running in the hallway. Parents do not enter the classrooms during drop off or pick up times.

Parents and authorized Guardians must Sign-In or Sign-Out the child when dropping off or picking up respectively. Ask a staff member for the Sign-In/Sign-Out terminal.

PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED OF ANYONE, INCLUDING PARENTS, PICKING UP A CHILD. Photo ID could be asked for each time your child is picked up.

Pick-up Authorization
Release of your child will be made only to authorized parties in this order of preference:

  1. To parents
  2. To authorized individuals on your list
  3. To any person with written permission to pick up your child


  • Drop off window is 8:00 am to 8:30 am at both sites for all programs. Please do not come before 8am or after 8:30am unless you have discussed your exception with your child’s teacher.
  • Children must be escorted up to a staff member.
  • A staff member will greet your child at the entrance and walk them into the classroom. Please do not go into classrooms unless you have booked an observation.


  • Pick up window is 3:10pm to 3:30pm at both sites for all programs. Please do not come before or after unless you have discussed your exception with your child’s teacher. Lower Elementary students come out around 3:20pm while Upper Elementary and Junior High students come out at 3:30pm.
  • Proceed to the pick-up point and make sure a staff member notices you.
  • A staff member will bring your child to the door.
  • You might be required to show a photo-id if the staff member does not recognize you
  • Your child is your responsibility after the pick-up point.
  • If you have not picked up your child by 3:45 pm (11:45am for Morning Half Day Students) he/she will join the extended day program. Charges for the extended day care, if not paid for at enrollment time, are $1.00 per minute.

Tardy Arrival

  • All the students must be at school by 8:30am.
  • Students coming between 8:30 and 8:45 will be gently rushed in by the Supervisor
  • Students coming in between 8:45am and 9:00am will be asked to explain their being late
  • Anyone coming after 9:00am will have to return home and come back after lunch. Exceptions will only be made for those who are generally punctual.

Early Dismissal
If an early dismissal is necessary, we request that a written note be sent to the teacher that morning. This will allow us to have your child ready and will not cause disruption to the learning environment of the classroom.

Parking Lot Safety
For the safety of everyone:

  • All children must be escorted in and out of school by an adult. Please watch siblings in the parking lot. This is not a play area.
  • Do not leave your car running while dropping off or picking up your child. You are required to be with and supervise your child and keep him/her within 3 feet of you at all times before drop-off and after pick-up.
Attendence Policies

Please call 905-913-0801 by 8:30 am each day that your child will be absent or arriving late. Please inform us about the nature of the absence, as the school is required to report any communicable diseases. Please have your child to school early enough to start school on time at 8:45 am.

If a child has any one of the following conditions, the school requires that the child not be at school:

  1. contagious disease, not including a cold
  2. fever of over 100 degrees during the past 24 hours
  3. vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
  4. draining sores or burns
  5. a rash, until diagnosed and determined to be non-contagious
  6. accident requiring medical attention
  7. any condition (including separation anxiety) that prevents the child from comfortably participating in program activities or that results in greater care for the child than what staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children

If a child exhibits any of these conditions while at school, the child’s parents will be notified to come and remove their child from the school until the above conditions no longer apply. While waiting to be picked up, the child may be placed in the office in order to remove the child from the rest of the class.

Please keep the office notified of all absences.

Extended Absences
The school does not prorate tuition and does not give credits for time away from school. A 30 day notice in writing to the office is required for withdrawal or extended absences. In order to guarantee a space in your child’s classroom upon your return all tuition must be paid with pre-dated checks before your departure.

Inclement Weather Schedules
In the event of bad weather, you can find up-to-the-minute information about school closure at the school’s website www.kmschool.org.

Power Outage
The Ontario Ministry of Education regulations require the school to close if the power is out for 1½ hours. All parents must have updated phone numbers on file. We will call each parent. There is a mandatory pick up for all students within 1 hour.

Natural Disasters
In the event of a natural disaster and if the phone lines are down, directions will be placed on the front door of the school.

Rest Time

There is an optional supervised nap or quiet time for all children. During this time, they sleep or relax quietly on their mats or cots. The mats and cots are provided by the school. Parents are requested to bring one crib sheet and at least one blanket. A stuffed animal can be brought from home for rest time only (toys are typically not allowed at school). Napping materials will be sent home to be cleaned at the end of each school week so that they may be returned at the beginning of the following week. All napping materials should be clearly labeled and sent in a small bag.

Field Trips

Whenever a field trip is planned, parents are notified and may be asked to assist in transporting and chaperoning the children. Parents must provide child safety seats for the field trip. If a parent wishes to not have their child go on a particular field trip, that child may be kept at home for the day.

The preferred communication medium is email. All our staff members are quite responsive and respond to emails within 24hrs. To contact a staff member via phone please call the school office at 905-913-0801. Office staff will deliver the message. Teachers are not available to return calls until the end of the school day or during scheduled breaks.

Teachers are informed of calls for students. However, students are only called from class for emergencies. Additionally, during extended day hours, we will take a message for the child. Staffing during extended day hours does not allow personal supervision while one child is in the building on the telephone.


We hold a special celebration for any student celebrating his/her birthday during a school day. Parents are encouraged to send pictures that the student can use to tell others about their growing years and family. However, our celebration does not include any eatables (e.g. pizza), loot bags or cakes.

If your child is having a birthday party or other social event, unless the whole class is invited, the invitations should be sent by mail. We will not hand them out at school. Address lists are available from your teacher.