Attendence Policies

Attendence Policies

Please call 905-913-0801 by 8:30 am each day that your child will be absent or arriving late. Please inform us about the nature of the absence, as the school is required to report any communicable diseases. Please have your child to school early enough to start school on time at 8:45 am.

If a child has any one of the following conditions, the school requires that the child not be at school:

  1. contagious disease, not including a cold
  2. fever of over 100 degrees during the past 24 hours
  3. vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
  4. draining sores or burns
  5. a rash, until diagnosed and determined to be non-contagious
  6. accident requiring medical attention
  7. any condition (including separation anxiety) that prevents the child from comfortably participating in program activities or that results in greater care for the child than what staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children

If a child exhibits any of these conditions while at school, the child’s parents will be notified to come and remove their child from the school until the above conditions no longer apply. While waiting to be picked up, the child may be placed in the office in order to remove the child from the rest of the class.

Please keep the office notified of all absences.

Extended Absences
The school does not prorate tuition and does not give credits for time away from school. A 30 day notice in writing to the office is required for withdrawal or extended absences. In order to guarantee a space in your child’s classroom upon your return all tuition must be paid with pre-dated checks before your departure.

Inclement Weather Schedules
In the event of bad weather, you can find up-to-the-minute information about school closure at the school’s website

Power Outage
The Ontario Ministry of Education regulations require the school to close if the power is out for 1½ hours. All parents must have updated phone numbers on file. We will call each parent. There is a mandatory pick up for all students within 1 hour.

Natural Disasters
In the event of a natural disaster and if the phone lines are down, directions will be placed on the front door of the school.
